By KennyDiamond
With any skill comes knowledge and with the knowledge, you'll have
many great opportunities and the abilities to experience more to
continue the cycle. How do we know if what we learned will eventually
work? There is only one way to find out. You need to apply what you've
learned in order for it to work for you and not against you. If not,
you'll never develop the confidence in your knowledge or that trust
and reassurance that you will eventually need. That certainty of what
you know will allow you to continue growing on and on.
For exemplification, many of us go to school where we are taught a
lesson every day. We then practice the methods and/or techniques and
are tested on it in order to reach a certain level of understanding.
From there, you can continue to higher levels. Things that I was
taught in school remain with me... and in certain situations. I can
apply them without worry or uncertainty. I am confident in what I've
learned and have no worries applying it to my everyday life. In
football, the sport is 10 percent physical and 90 percent mental. The
physical aspect is drilled with great objective. Then when you reach a
certain level, the mental aspect will take over. That’s what we call
Heart and Soul. This will create things that may not have been
foreseen or intended, but seem to occur naturally because of the
confidence generated by everything up until that point. In essence,
the point I am trying to reach is learn to be confident in yourself.
Experience. Knowledge. Confidence. And the cycle goes on…
One Love,
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Experience, Knowledge and Confidence.
8:22 AM
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