World Of Dance Los Angeles!

We're competing at World of Dance this weekend! We're excited to be on that stage with all the other talent coming out!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Jayvee Monthly Jam with Kmmay!

Dance with our own Kimmay Evans this month for Jayvee Dance Center's Monthly Jam!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Rihanna "You Da One" | Jayvee Monthly Jam with Marc Nunez

Our very good friend Marc Nunez was teaching last month for Jayvee Dance Center's Monthly Jam. Here's one of the videos featuring our own Brien Palisoc dancing with him!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Random Famdom: Marylou!

Get to know a FamBiz member! Each week we'll be posting up 20 random facts about each of our family members! 
1. I drink coffee like it's water

2. I wanted to be a drummer, I ended up taking guitar classes

3. Nick Carter used to be my baby daddy

4. I'm pretty sarcastic, don't take it personal

5. I am working on publishing a food blog

6. My bunny's name is Tofu.

7. In high school I was a drama geek who played a male news reporter in our version of "His Girl Friday"

8. Shawn Michaels will always be my favorite wrestler

9. I was your typical teeny bopper boy band freak...BSB,Nsync,Westlife,LFO,5ive,Youngstown,2gether, etc

10. I'm a really emotional person, the way I feel always beats out my reasoning.

11. Yes, I have a tattoo, it's a long story

12. I can't swim, I can't waddle, I can't float

13. I used to take dance classes at Bally Total Fitness

14. I tend to be a quiet person even though my mind is racing with information... I won't speak unless I feel the need to

15. Although I am half white, I don't know ANYONE from that side of my family

16. I've become annoyingly health conscious

17. I secretly despise people who read books because a new movie is out

18. I was so obsessed with basketball I decided to try out for my high school's junior varsity team. I played one home game then quit.

19. Every Thursday you can catch me watching Vampire Diaries, don't bother me from 8-9pm

20. I play Call of Duty at least once a day, I even have a headset. ITS THAT SERIOUS.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Work Ethic

One of our core members, Roxine, found this post on Jayvee Dance Center's Facebook wall a little while ago and had shared it in an e-mail. 

I am not that old (yet.)

But I AM old enough to see a difference in generations of dance. This current generation is mind blowingly talented but scarily missing the work ethics of my slightly less talented generation as well as those that came before us. As most of you will dance for my generation or the generations prior; here is what was expected of us that we naturally and collectively, expect from you.

NEVER mark. 

Why pay for a class and mark until you get into groups? Groups occur for MAYBE 10 minutes. Most of which you'll spend trying to figure out the parts you've been marking. 

Don't sit. Don't yawn. Be on time. If anything, be early. 

Touching your toes and sitting in a grande plie 2nd for a minute does not a sufficient warm up make. Put your phones AWAY. Be hungry to know EVERYTHING about your art; ESPECIALLY its history. you would not be here without those that came before you. You MUST be able to hold an intelligent conversation about the art form that you have chosen to make your life's purpose. 

If you miss rehearsal, get with someone prior to learn the choreography you don't know.

If you don't make the youtube video, don't get the job, or don't get called out for the "special" group; it doesn't mean you stop coming to class. in fact, the very opposite. you KEEP SHOWING UP. Perseverance and SHOWING UP is often how a job is booked.

If a dance doesn't win, it doesn't mean it's bad. If a choreographer isn't on SYTYCD, it doesn't mean they aren't worth working with.

If a teacher can't book you something, it doesn't mean their class isn't worth taking. Know loyalty. ALWAYS remember where you came from and who got you there. 

Be humble. 

Even if that older dancer can't turn as many times as you; there's a reason why they've booked so many jobs and are STILL working. Respect and learn from them. Be responsible for your energy. Come to class to be inspired but be responsible for what you bring to the table too. Never treat the role of an understudy as a waste of time. It is often a fruitful opportunity of a lifetime.

Be self motivated and self driven. Do your homework. Go to ballet. Go to african. Go to modern. Go to EVERYTHING. The class and/or teacher that challenges you most; is usually where and who you are growing most from.

If you're injured, be smart. Know what it is to work internally; without expectation of reward or instant gratification.

Be open to criticism. Be OPEN (period.)

If you commit to something follow it through with enthusiasm or drop out completely. We are in a line of work that people throw their life, their savings, and their whole heart into. Don't destroy it by giving anybody less than your best. Don't be SHADY. If you know someone say, "Hi" regardless of whether it makes you look good in that moment.

If you see a video you dig on Facebook, like it. If you like a video on YouTube, share it.

If someone is better than you in class, shout out a "werk" and study the hell out of 'em.

And finally, know that dance does not come over night. or over months. Or even years. It happens throughout a LIFETIME process that is to be adored despite struggle. Love every second of it for genuine reason and you will probably find yourself doing all this naturally.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Power of Music

This is a beautiful story of the power of music.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Concept of Biting

This is a dope video from featuring Aby and Alieness sharing their concept about biting.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

We're Adding To The Family!

Moments after we performed our routine at Urban Street Jam, Our Organizational Director, Stephanie Hagberg, announced to all of us that her and Emeroy will be having a baby!

Congratulations Stephanie and Emeroy! We're looking forward to meeting the newest member of our family!

Monday, April 9, 2012

World of Dance-Los Angeles!

Were you there?! World of Dance never ceases to amaze us in our experience there. Every year the ante is taken to a higher level. We are thankful for the World of Dance staff for giving us the opportunity to perform, for the people that came out to support us-your love and support encourages us to grow, and for every member in Fam Biz-your hard work, dedication, and love for dance continues to bring us to new heights!

Here's the video of our performance if you weren't able to come out! Enjoy!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Nobody's Perfect

Choreography our own Julian Roca put together and recorded after rehearsal.

You can follow his tumblr here:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hello World!

I know it feels like forever since we posted something up! We've gotten caught up with the grind of the season, but we're back!

We've had quite the eventful second half of the season. And still plenty of it that we get to share with you all!

Here are a couple things we've done since we last spoke:

1. Urban Street Jam

2. Lunar Festival
We had the opportunity to perform at Alhambra's Lunar New Year Festival. We were blessed to be able to perform twice that day. Once as spokes-dancers for Verizon and a second time representing Jayvee Dance Center!
These kind of performances are always fun, there's no stress of competition or judges. Just putting on an amazing show for the people.

3. The Road to World of Dance
We're currently in the middle of our hell week getting ready for World of Dance! We're looking forward to sharing with everyone what we've been putting together and seeing what everyone else puts down on the floor!


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