Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sky Is The Limit

By Kenny Tran

“The world is yours.” A very powerful.. yet, simple statement from the famous cult movie, “Scarface”. We all have the ability to do whatever we want to do with our life.

Do you believe that? If you do, that’s great because it can lead you to have much greater life experience.

But if you don’t, then why? What would stop you from believing it? Many seem to have some sort of “reason” to limit themselves and that limitation can hold back a lot of progress in life.

But why? Why would you want to stop yourself from gaining the life experience that could lead you to reach your full potential? Some are limited because of fear. Fear of what? Failure? Makes sense. But without failure, one cannot know what success is. Am I right? While others just carry sheer ignorance and ignore what is laid out in front of them, perhaps the blueprint to move forward in life.

Think of life as a book... your book. When the book is open, you can write and fill it with the contents of your mind, the thoughts that move you. When it is closed, there is nowhere to write.. so you’re pretty much just closed-minded. I believe that if you can live openly or without limitation, you can write as many chapters of your life and fill your book. If you live with limitation then your book will be pretty much empty and not even have a full introduction. After all, the world is yours sounds a lot better than “the world could have been yours”, don’t you think?


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