World Of Dance Los Angeles!

We're competing at World of Dance this weekend! We're excited to be on that stage with all the other talent coming out!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Inspired #18

By Emeroy Bernardo

This was inspired by the writer of The Simple Dollar. Every week I will be sharing the top 3 things that have inspired me as a person throughout the week.

Sorry I missed posting last week! 

1. MITT Advanced Course
Sunday, January 8 I graduated from my Advanced Course with MITT. I have to say it was one of the most life changing 5 days I've ever had. There were a lot of eye openers that were brought to my attention.
For example, I knew there were things that were holding me back, but I never knew in what scale and where it stemmed from.
I've learned more about myself here than anywhere else. I've read plenty of quotes saying, "Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself," and "there's always room for improvement."
I truly feel like those aren't just quotes anymore, they're a reality. The only thing that can ever stop me is me.

2. Jayvee Instructor Retreat

This past weekend was Jayvee Dance Center's instructor retreat! A couple reasons why I was excited.

This wasn't taken from the trip. But damn it's beautiful!

1. It's a get away from the city. I love living in the city. But sometimes it's just great to get away from it all and not worry about responsibility. It's like a quick sigh of relief.
2. Create a connection with the other instructors. I'm pretty good acquaintances with most of the instructors in Jayvee, but I don't really know who they are as people. I saw this as a great opportunity to build not only the friendships I have now, but to also build some new ones as well.

3. Seeing snow fall for the first time

During the last day of the retreat, it started raining, or so I thought. The moment some of the other instructors started saying it was snowing it took me a couple of moments to actually let it register. I couldn't help be lost in wonder as I watched it fall. I felt like a little kid again. It was such an amazing experience and such a blessing that I was able to watch it before heading back home.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Results Are In!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who came out to our 2012 mid-season audition!
There was so much talent in the room, it was hard to make our decision!!
Our MANDATORY orientation is this Monday, January 24th at 9:00pm SHARP.

Without further ado, we present to you our 2012 team!

Family Bizness 2012

Anthony Macaraeg
Arielle Barba
Emeroy Bernardo
Marc Miranda
Roxine Ami
Stephanie Hagberg

Alyssa De Jesus
Brien Palisol
Charlie Betancourt
Daniel Balladares*
Dominique Pompa
Edward Bocalan

Francis Avancena
Ian Delos Santos
Jay-Jay Egida
Jessica Chang
John Reyes
Joyleen Laurence
Julian Roca
Jullian Mordeno
Kelly Khuu
Kenneth Ng
Kenny Tran
Kevin Seng
Kevin Sy
Kimmay Evans
Marcel Balladares*
Marion Cruz
Marylou Ferreras
Matt Tagayun
Mike Villaster
Omar Perez
Ralph Ami
Sean Miura
Serena Su
Stephen Chou

* - Denotes scholarship member

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Auditions Tonight!

If you love dancing your ass off and sharing amazing moments with a great group of dancers, come join the family! We are looking to extend the family as we continue our 2011-2012 journey!

Registration: 9:00 PM
Auditions Begin: 9:30 PM

Must be 18+ and/or out of high school to audition.

Jayvee Dance Center 
216 E. Main St
Alhambra, CA

We look forward to seeing all of you there!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Workshop Tonight!

Sorry for the lack of updates recently! We've been preparing for our upcoming workshop and auditions! We've been promoting it like crazy on our Facebook and Twitter!

Tonight is our workshop! For everyone who wants to be a part of the family the audition piece will be taught TONIGHT!
Registration: 9:30 PM
Time: 10:00 PM
-$5 if you have a FamBiz Shirt!

Jayvee Dance Center
216 E. Main St
Alhambra, CA

Thursday, January 5, 2012

FamBiz Auditions!

We're looking to extend our family this new year! If you love hard work and good company come out and join us! We would love for you to come out and dance and become a part of our family!

Date: Wednesday, January 18
Time: 9:00 PM

Jayvee Dance Center 
216 E. Main St
Alhambra, CA

We will also be teaching the audition piece for our workshop!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Koan #5

What Is A Koan? The purpose of a koan is to get you out of your head and into your heart. The heart just lives the moment. It is not concerned with the future or the past.

“A koan is a fundamental part of the history and lore of Zen Buddhism. It consists of a story, dialogue, question, or statement whose meaning cannot be accessed by rational thinking, yet it may be accessible by intuition.”

We stand in our own shadow and 
wonder why it is dark!

"When we think there is a problem in life, we should realize that the problem actually lies within us. We may not be able to transform the situation, but we can transform ourselves and how we perceive our lives.

When we look at things from the view point of our separate ego-self, we cast a shadow which obscures the light of our essential self and everything seems dark. If we turn and face the light, we rise above our limited self-interest and can see the whole picture."

Inspired #17

By Emeroy Bernardo

This was inspired by the writer of The Simple Dollar. Every week I will be sharing the top 3 things that have inspired me as a person throughout the week.

1. The secret of living is giving

Give, give, give. I saw this quote the other day at a gas station. It was a message that was scrolling by on the screen where you swipe your card and whatnot. It blew me away simply because I wouldn't expect to see this message at a gas station. And it was a great reminder that going is truly greater than receiving.

2. The New Year
It's finally 2012! Oh how 2011 came and went so quickly.
I'm reminded of one of the lessons I leaned in meditation is the things come and go. It's a cliche and common thing we all know but what we do about it is what matters. What I do about it matters.

I was told life only gets faster as the years come. It doesn't slow down to the pace of how things were when we were children. I definitely don't wan life to just pass me by. I'm well aware that I can get caught up with things that take me away from the moment, but I'm committed to experiencing each moment that comes.
2011 was an amazing year. It was definitely filled with blessings and trials, but its helped evolve me into who I am.
It was a true learning experience and I'm thankful to be able to live another year let alone another day.
Greater things are yet to come. I'm not The hugest fan of new years resolutions, but I am committed to making 2012 and extraordinary year.

3. Life in a Day
Have you ever though of what someone else in the world is doing right now? Think about it. Aside from the world you are currently living someone else is living theirs. They could be just waking up, going on a date, in the hospital fighting cancer, or holding their new born baby for the first time.
This is exactly what this movie about. A single day where individuals from 192 countries are sharing their own life experience in front of the camera.

I found it inspiring and humbling as it reminded me of when I went to Jamaica with some friends awhile back to do some missionary work at some orphanages(a story I'll share another time). It opened my eyes as to how lucky I truly am to have what I have. This movie is definitely a strong recommendation for everyone.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Dancing Til The World Ends!

It's 2012!! 
Whether it's the end of the world or not, we're gonna make 2012 an extraordinary one! We're kicking off the new year with an amazing workshop for you all! Our very own Arielle Barba will be teaching! Come out and dance!

Date: Monday, January 16
Time: 10:00 PM
$5 if you have a FamBiz Shirt!

Jayvee Dance Center 
216 E. Main St
Alhambra, CA


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