Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Koan #5

What Is A Koan? The purpose of a koan is to get you out of your head and into your heart. The heart just lives the moment. It is not concerned with the future or the past.

“A koan is a fundamental part of the history and lore of Zen Buddhism. It consists of a story, dialogue, question, or statement whose meaning cannot be accessed by rational thinking, yet it may be accessible by intuition.”

We stand in our own shadow and 
wonder why it is dark!

"When we think there is a problem in life, we should realize that the problem actually lies within us. We may not be able to transform the situation, but we can transform ourselves and how we perceive our lives.

When we look at things from the view point of our separate ego-self, we cast a shadow which obscures the light of our essential self and everything seems dark. If we turn and face the light, we rise above our limited self-interest and can see the whole picture."


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