This was inspired by the writer of The Simple Dollar. Every week I will be sharing the top 3 things that have inspired me as a person throughout the week.
1. The secret of living is giving
Give, give, give. I saw this quote the other day at a gas station. It was a message that was scrolling by on the screen where you swipe your card and whatnot. It blew me away simply because I wouldn't expect to see this message at a gas station. And it was a great reminder that going is truly greater than receiving.
2. The New Year
It's finally 2012! Oh how 2011 came and went so quickly.
I'm reminded of one of the lessons I leaned in meditation is the things come and go. It's a cliche and common thing we all know but what we do about it is what matters. What I do about it matters.
I was told life only gets faster as the years come. It doesn't slow down to the pace of how things were when we were children. I definitely don't wan life to just pass me by. I'm well aware that I can get caught up with things that take me away from the moment, but I'm committed to experiencing each moment that comes.
2011 was an amazing year. It was definitely filled with blessings and trials, but its helped evolve me into who I am.
It was a true learning experience and I'm thankful to be able to live another year let alone another day.
Greater things are yet to come. I'm not The hugest fan of new years resolutions, but I am committed to making 2012 and extraordinary year.
3. Life in a Day
Have you ever though of what someone else in the world is doing right now? Think about it. Aside from the world you are currently living someone else is living theirs. They could be just waking up, going on a date, in the hospital fighting cancer, or holding their new born baby for the first time.
This is exactly what this movie about. A single day where individuals from 192 countries are sharing their own life experience in front of the camera.
I found it inspiring and humbling as it reminded me of when I went to Jamaica with some friends awhile back to do some missionary work at some orphanages(a story I'll share another time). It opened my eyes as to how lucky I truly am to have what I have. This movie is definitely a strong recommendation for everyone.
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