Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kodachrome Interview with Shaun Evaristo

Video is a little outdated, BUT it’s still something that illustrates what goes through the mind of Shaun Evaristo. The interview is quite insightful and at the same time brings to the table things that I find inspirational…..

“Know your body, study your body to the point of where, mentally you don’t need the physical….. so that way I could focus on the music itself. Mentally I could have a mirror in front of me if I wanted to.”
-Shaun Evaristo

Something about his existence and ability to dance has an impact not just in my life but to everyone in the dance community. But in the end he is like any ordinary dancer, like you and I. He was once an amateur and his passion and love for dancing is what brought him to where he is now. The entire interview is worth to watch, it’ll move you and make you get up out of your chair and just dance. I won’t really spoil it much and give my opinion about this, because there is a better place for me to do this in a later time.

My goal is for to interview him personally and gain the knowledge I always sought out for by him.

Have fun and enjoy this inspiring and insightful video!
Credits & Shout to: Kodachrometv, Youtube, and to Shaun Evaristo


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