By Emeroy Bernardo
I recently had my bout with doubt a few weeks ago. For a moment I felt like my efforts were in vain and not enough, and I felt paralyzed to take action. As discouraging as it felt, it quickly helped me realize what must be done.
What I learned and am constantly reminded is that doubt is stemmed from fear caused by past experiences and short comings. There is nothing wrong with feeling doubt. It can be a great critic in cutting out the things you don’t need or the things you could do better on.
There are so many key elements that can trigger your doubt with only one important factor. You and you’re desire. It is the key piece in your process. It gives you the energy you decide whether to move forward or not.
"Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but gets you NOWHERE." The best way to really get rid of it is taking that first step. To continue onward is an act of courage. Some may call it stupidity, but most brilliant ideas of the past century were considered stupid and practically impossible before it was done.
The Wright Brothers weren't exactly considered the first choice in mans attempt to fly. It was the heavily favored and financially supported Samuel Pierpont Langley, who had a team of the most brilliant minds of the time. Yet not many people know who this man is.
The Wright brothers had NO MONEY, they paid for everything through their bike shop, and not a single person in their team had a college degree. But they did have one thing, they had a belief and a desire that pushed them forward that eventually changed the world.
Your belief in what your doing will be the energy that you need to press on. Your bravery will be that light for others to do the same.
They say love makes us do foolish things. Well, if we love what we do and love who we are when we do it: “No cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it.”
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