Friday, June 24, 2011


By KennyDiamond

Can you honestly say that you have exist each day without trepidation?
Some may actually live life fearless while others say so just to look
grand. But as a usual aspect of human nature, fear is only a state of
mind. People grow fears from all kinds of ways. Poor experiences from
a younger years, present tragedies or even just witnessing the
misfortune of someone other than one’s self. I’m sure there are more,
but these are the most usual examples I can think of as far as where
fears may develop.

Although they appear ordinary, one that is more ordinary than those is
the fear of the uncertain. People have the fear(s) of things they have
never experienced in their lives and some never overcome that fear.
Some, if not many, people are fearful of heights (acrophobia) and
flying or swimming in the ocean. Others are afraid of spiders;
arachnophobia. However, fear is something we can challenge, suppress
and overcome.

Some fears are more solemn than others, like ones that really put an
end to certain people from living their lives. But I think that given
the chance to confront your fear, you have an even higher chance of
overcoming it. It might be a good gamble. You pretty much have nothing
to lose and everything else to acquire from it, such as the life you
would like to live: fearless. So what are you afraid of?

One Love,


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