Get to know a FamBiz member! Each week we'll be posting up 20 random facts about each of our family members!

1. I can solve a 3x3 rubix's cube in about a minute and ten seconds
2. Used to compete in Rollerblading competitions
3. I can bend my pinky all the way back.
4. Was State Sergeant Major for California Cadet Corp.
5. Used to be afraid of clowns, now just really dislike them.
6. Used to be afraid of the dark.
7. Used to be afraid of the shower.
8. I learned how to roller blade at 5.
9. Used to do Tae Kwon Doe.
10. Can't cook.
11. Favorite colors are blue and purple.
12. Favorite chick flick: Walk to Remember.
13. My 5/5 movie is Saving Private Ryan.
14. Been on tv for football, music videos (as an extra), and a tv shows (as an extra).
15. LA Lakers fan.
16. San Diego Chargers fan.
17. Got stuck in a baby swing set at age 10.
18. Braces total of 7 years and had them twice.
20. When I was in my mom's stomach, I had my hands around my ears for almost the whole time, so the bottom of my ears stick up.
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