This was inspired by the writer of The Simple Dollar. Every week I will be sharing the top 3 things that have inspired me as a person throughout the week.
1. How bad do you want it?
Recently I was watching a video on YouTube during work. I was looking for motivational videos to help inspire me to motivate my team. Out of all the videos I watched, this one spoke to me the most.
It's a beautiful short story sharing what it takes to be successful. Me describing it won't do the video justice so you will just have to watch it for yourself.
A week ago from today, I had the opportunity to perform with Fambiz, teach class, hang out with my family, and spend time with my girlfriend.
May not sound much to some people, but to be able to spend time with so much of the people I care about in a jam packed day is truly a blessing!
3. My mom
I was recently listening to a radio show that happened to be on the topic of Giving. They were sharing a story about people still giving to help others even though they themselves are struggling just as much.
The minute they finished telling this story, the first person I thought about was my mom. She has always helped everyone out who ever needed it.
She has always given whatever she can to help out even though she may not have a lot.
She's currently helping out some family financially over at the Philippines and helping out another family member go through college.
She has definitely helped me countless times in the past and still does today.
Her willingness to give even though she struggles just as much as we all do is something that astounds me.
And it's through her that I've been inspired to give more. My challenge to myself now is to not come up with excuses not to.
4. The truest form of expression
I recently found this video of Bruce lee talking about expression through martial arts. I'm no martial artist, but I can relate to his view about expressing oneself in dancing.
Dancers in all essence are performers, yet a lot of dancers I tend to see are not performing. Many get so caught up in the move, choreography, or technique that they forget to add themselves into that equation. Anybody can learn choreography, show off a cool move, and put on a show, but to be express yourself honestly is quite difficult.
Dance is a form of expression.
We can all agree to that universally. Yet even with that it is so hard for many truly express the self. It's not about the style you learned or the choreography you know, it's about how you can truly express yourself through that dance.
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