This was inspired by the writer of The Simple Dollar. Every week I will be sharing the top 3 things that have inspired me as a person throughout the week.

1. My friend, CJ
My friend an fellow famblog writer, Christian Jordan Capili finally submitted choreography for Fam Biz's upcoming set! I first talked to him about submitting a piece to Fambiz 2 years ago, I saw him doug a pretty dope freestyle and I figured that he could potentially be a good choreographer if he just learned how to pick and choose which parts of his freestyle he wants to keep. It's been an ongoing process in getting him to actually put something together; and after a million conversations and debates, he finally came around to putting something together.
He was a bit nervous when he did it, but he killed it. And I hope he continues this path in creating.
2. Andrew baterina: Legends Never Die
I haven't watched too much of Andrew Baterina's choreography and concept videos, but this particular one really caught my attention.
Out of all the concept videos I've seen so far, this one is one of the best I've seen.
The location, the choreography, the visuals, the MESSAGE; everything about this video is sick. Check it out for yourself.
The location, the choreography, the visuals, the MESSAGE; everything about this video is sick. Check it out for yourself.
3. Values of the game
I LOOOVVVEE books. Particularly books about coaching, leading, zen, psychology, and other tapics about the self and philosophy. Over at the Fambiz retreat I was lookin through the books that the owner had when I found a new book to add to my reading list, Values of The Game by New York Knicks legend, Bill Bradley. Yes, it's another basketball book. But what can I say, I love basketball as much as I love dancing.
I didnt get achance to read past the second chapter because I was busy leading the retreat. But from the first chapter I read, it seems like an amazing book. He shares in what he believes are the tools in being successful in not only basketball, but also in life. I'm always looking for a new perspective that could help me become a better person and as a leader. And I'm definitely excited to read this book once I get my hands on it.
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