Monday, September 19, 2011

Inspired #2

By Emeroy Bernardo

This was inspired by the writer of The Simple Dollar. Every week I will be sharing the top 3 things that have inspired me as a person throughout the week.

1. My Team, Family Bizness
“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” –Monandas Gandhi

This past Monday was casting for all the sections/pieces for our upcoming routine. Throughout the weeks, they've all been working incredibly hard to get every piece down. They've been scheduling review sessions at Jayvee or going to each other’s homes.

Their hardwork has come a long way. And even though it's only been over a month and a half. I can already see the evolution in their skillset.

I believe the challenge now is continuing to work this hard throughout the season grind. I'm sure they are fully capable of the task.

2. My curiosity in yoga.

I've been looking for alternates to exercising recently simply because my knees and ankles can't take the extreme pounding I put it through when I was doing Insanity.

I've been doing a lot of Vinyasa Yoga, and I must say, even though you're stretching and holding these postures you're sweating like hell. I must say that I feel AMAZING after. I enjoy the combination of relaxing the mind while pushing your physicality. Not only that, Zazen meditation fits perfectly with it at the end of it.

And the benefits it has from doing it is amazing such as improvement in the cardiovascular system, strengthening of the muscles, and of course flexibility.

I'd have to say it's the perfect way to start my morning. I feel refreshed and ready to take on the day.

3. Bruce Lee
“If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” – Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee is probably one of the ultimate bad asses that ever lived. He was known for his physical fitness and his dynamic, dedicated workouts to become as strong as he possibly could. He had a physique that body builders like Arnold Schwarzenegger admired. In my search to find alternate workouts I stumbled on an article about him.

The things he was able to do is crazy! He was able to perform one handed push ups with just the thumb and index finger, do 50 reps of one handed pull ups,and throw rice into the air and catch them in the air.

He felt that many martial artists of his time did not spending enough time in physical conditioning. He involved all forms of total fitness: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. He was firm in advising that spiritual and mental preparation was essential in the success of physical training in martial arts.

“Training is one of the most neglected phases of athletics. Too much time is given to the development of skill and too little to the development of the individual for participation.”

I've always known who he was, but only through the movies like “Enter the Dragon and “Game of Death.” What blows me away even more is that he gained his physique with slight use of weights and WITHOUT ever stepping into a gym. I enjoy going to the gym simply because when I get there, working out is all I focus on. I won’t be distracted by work or other things at home. But my thing is, the amount of time going to the gym could already be time put in working out. Hence, which is one of the reasons why I did Insanity.

I know I won’t be able to get Bruce Lee like fitness overnight, but it’s motivating that he was able to reach his physique without a gym.

Want more? Here are some previous Inspired posts.


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