Success should not be determined by what you have but by what you have earned. In order to be successful, you have to have the resources available to you in order for you to reach your potential. Many people see their environment as their key to success and what surrounds you can determine how well you do for yourself as well as for others (if you choose). If you are not happy in one place, allow yourself to move and relocate, though it isn’t always that easy, remember that the world is much larger than most believe. “You’ll never know until you try.” is an older generation saying that promotes the search for answers. You will not know how succesful you can be unless you try to give yourself the best possible opportunities. Some people choose to go to school until they decide that a transfer to another would better suit them. Some are unhappy at work so they apply and move onto other jobs to improve their living and their well being.
In business culture, your surroundings can be a blessing of achievement or the nail in the coffin. I recently spoke with someone who was not doing too well in life. He seemed to have many problems with his family, his health, school and even work. His plan was to move away from the negativity in order to give himself some breathing room, which happened to be several hundred miles away for better job opportunities, school support, some health benefits and simply, a change of environment. This person is doing better for himself now, although not 100% out of the mess but that takes time and effort to correct. He would have never known what could have been there for him if he didn’t try. He tried. So how about you?
I’m not successful when it comes to wealth but I feel successful in that I have accomplished more than enough on my own and I am still on the road to progression. As hard as it is, life may be hard but I am not one to boast because things can only get better in time…
One Love, @KennyDiamond
Want to read more from KennyDiamond? Here are some other articles done by him.
- Restrain
- The (Lonely) Creative Process
- Consistency
- Fearless
- Frustrated
- Change
- History of A Writer
- Solitary
- Push
- Doubt
- Sky Is The Limit
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