This was inspired by the writer of The Simple Dollar. Every week I will be sharing the top 3 things that have inspired me as a person throughout the week.
1. M.I.T.T. Basic Workshop
I recently started my basic course for MITT. My girlfriend went through it, and she as a person has evolve and become something beautiful and amazing. And what I've experience so far is motivating and inspiring, and enlightening. Every possible word to describe it is up there.
Now to be honest I was a bit hesitant to close to join it because we as individuals didn't think there's nothing wrong with us. And most of the time there isn't. I was perfectly content with everything going on in my life, but I am a firm believer of there's always room for improvement and we are not all perfect. So I saw this as an opportunity to evolve, I didn't care how much it was, money doesn't come with me to the grave.
We spend thousands and thousands of dollars going to college to work on our skill/talent that we believe will get is the job you want so we can live comfortably financially. We spend a lot of money on cars, TVs, and material possessions that we think will make us happy. But they don't make us happy very long. We get bored and always want something new. There is NOTHING wrong with getting new stuff. I enjoy all the time. But these things are all external outside of ourselves.
I got heat for the amount of money I was spending for $400 for a new iPhone, but most of us cringe at the idea od spending $1 for a song on iTunes or an App.
We're willing to spend thousands of dollars for a new car, but we're not interested on spending a dime on improving ourselves. People get offended with the idea of it. Why? Because that means they'd have to face themselves. They'd have to look inward and accept what's not working instead of going outward to get things we think will enhance. We all say we're ok and happy just the way we are. But are we, really? What was the last time we looked in the mirror and HONESTLY said that to ourselves.
I have to admit I was afraid of being ridiculed for that, and I was even questioning why am I doing this the day of. I was on the verge of just pulling out. I felt like I would be judged by friends because in my mind I kept thinking, "Why is he doing this, it's a wast of money," and "There must be something wrong with him if he's doing this."
Another thing were some people were calling it a cult. It's funny how we as people feel threatened by something we don't know or understand. It's how racism and war was started, lack of understanding of one another. And I was witnessing lack of understanding for this again, people who had NO idea what it was about nor have experienced it calling it a cult. This made me laugh. According to Webster's dictionary upholds is a religious system or sec. So every religion in the world is essentially a cult.
After the first day, I knew the knowledge and experience I would get out of this, would be much more valueable compared to what I spent. And whoever I was then, would be multiplied into something greater.
I've heard the old story of elders wishing they would've done more when they were younger. I don't want to be 60 to 80 years old I'm looking back regretting not doing anything in my life, more importantly, being GREAT at my life. And I'm aware that myself and everyone else has the full capacity to reach greatness. Some reach that sooner than others. But I want that right now. When I can become and realize what I want and become my absolute best ( because we are all guilty of not always being at our best. )right now, especially in my mid 20s. I have nothing to lose.
2.Christian music
I've been listening to a lot of Christian music lately. Simply because how inspiring they sound and how calming it is too. I'm a Catholic and I'm not about to go "let's praise Jesus" and stuff like that, but I do want to share with you why I like it so much.
1. It's inspirational
With a lot of the songs on the radio (I'm not saying all songs) playing party music, which I of course enjoy, It hasn't truly inspired me to create something or do something that will make a difference other people (though it does inspire me to dance). I'm not saying that everything else sucks, I'm just saying that it hasn't inspired me at the level this has. It gets me out of my head of just working and dancing.
A lot of the songs I've been listening to aren't about praising God or going to Church, but more about taking the time to enjoy your life before it's too late or making a difference.
Cheesy? Yes.
Cliche? Yes.
Does the world need it? Yes.
2. It's not selfish.
The music isn't about how much money a person has and how many cars a person own. (Again, I'm not saying all non-Christian music are about that) Money is great and so are cars, don't get me wrong. It's what you do with what you have that can define it.
Christian music has inspired me and plays as a reminder to give, give and give. And from what I've been learning this past year is that if you want something, you've got to give first. So as a part of my budget I have dedicated 10% of what I earn to charity. I recently donated that 10% and DAYUM, it feels sooo good.
3. It's for something bigger than themselves.I especially enjoy this because everyone, including myself, get caught up with themselves sometimes. Yet we all play towards something bigger, we all work so we can get that car or home that we want. Or we study our butts off so we can get through college, and then get the good paying job you want.3. The little things build up to big things, but don't sweat the small stuff.
The little things we do now will in turn affect everyone around us, our future and our lives.
What people do and see in that picture can be different between people. But ultimately, everyone's bigger picture is towards a good life.
I'm a huge planner in preparing and getting down the details of what I'm doing and what I'm going to do along with being flexible with the approach. It makes me feel prepared and at the same time open to whatever may happen. What I don't like is micromanaging the unessecary. It slows things down and gets in my way.
And it made me realize, what are the little details in our goals we're over looking? And what "small stuff" are we giving your unessecary attention to?
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