Monday, October 10, 2011

Inspired #5

By Emeroy Bernardo

This was inspired by the writer of The Simple Dollar. Every week I will be sharing the top 3 things that have inspired me as a person throughout the week.

Disclaimer: Actually, this week is more than top 3. There's just so many things that inspired me that I want to share.

1. David Ryan Harris' Music
I enjoy listening to music in the Jack Johnson and John Mayer genre. It's incredibly relaxing especially in the mornings.

I recently restarted listening to one of my favorite artists, David Ryan Harris. I don't think that many people know about him, but people have got to check out his music. His music has got a passionate, sweet (or or bittersweet) sound to it. Here's a couple of songs that are my all time favorites.

Call me cheesy, but these songs are super relaxing in the morning and after a hectic day.

2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad 
I was suggested to read this book a little while ago, and didn't take it into consideration until recently.

I did some resarch about it and have read some bits and pieces that it was a fraud. Whether or not it's true, it's still a great book with some great insight. It's made me aware that there are other ways in earning money aside from being stuck at an office for about 40 hours of your life a week. And it's definitely made me more aware of my spending habits. I'm in the process of learning how to budget my money better and have been keeping track of every single expense I make.

We all want to make money and save money. I believe this is one step towards the right direction

"Don't let making a living, prevent you from making a life." -John Wooden

3. 7 Spiritual Laws of Spiritual Success
I started reading a book off my girlfriends reading list. It doesn't seem to be too long of a read, but yet it's really insightful. I'm not too far into the book yet, but so far I've read lessons in the importance of silence that helps me with my meditation.

Whether it's challenging my beliefs or expanding on them, the more I read, the more I learn about myself and what I believe I know.

4. "Give and You Shall Receive." - The Bible
We've all heard this quote before, I was reminded of it again from Rich Dad, Poor Dad and 7 Spiritual Laws of Success. Yet at the same time, most of us always want something first before we decide to give our time or our talent to anything. We ask, "what's in it for me?" instead of "how can I help and give my best to this person?" It's "Give and You Shall Receive" NOT "Receive and You Shall Give."

I sure as hell know I've fallen in the "what's in it for me?" band wagon. But this really woke me up. If I want more money, I get to give more money. If I want to be successful, I get to help some one be successful.

4. "All I Know Is That I Know Nothing" - Socrates
This quote and the concept Beginners Mind that I learned from Zen is a reminder for me to stay humble in what I do.

Even though I am knowledgeable in what I do, there are still things that I know that will help me grow or even give me a new perspective I wouldn't have thought of.

I do my best to not limit myself to the many possibilities this world has to offer. I believe when we stop learning, we stop growing.

5. Rest In Peace Steve Jobs
I know it's a couple days late, but I still want to pay my respects to Steve Jobs. I'm not writing about him because he was the CEO of Pixar and Apple, but because he was able to become successful in many areas in his own way.

I'm sure this video has been all over the internet since his passing, but I would like to share his 2005 commencement address at Stanford University.

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