Tuesday, March 8, 2011

USJ Success!

By Emeroy Bernardo

All I could really say is that Urban Street Jam was a huge success!
I had originally wanted to post something about our performance as I was resting up in my hotel room from the craziness, but I refused to pay $12.95 for internet.

As you could see, we made some changes to the site! There are still a few things we need to fix, but for the most part, the new layout is tight! Now, back to Urban Street Jam!

The entire day went by extremely fast.  And especially since we had a call time of 11:15 to register, and with a little bit more that 6 hours til we went on stage.

We were fortunate enough to have had a room already that Stephanie and I were staying at. It was great since going to things one of the first few things we always seem to stress about was a spot we can leave our stuff, and a place for us to practice.

As soon soon as we got to the room, the first thing we did was meditate. It was hectic trying to find each other, and I knew that the rest of the day would be pretty intense. Even though the event hadn't started, the craziness of teams meeting up for registration was building.  I wanted them to take a quick moment to step out of the craziness and clear there minds before fully diving themselves into the day.

Quickly after meditation, we did some visualization exercises. I'm a firm believer of "Breath controls the mind, and mind controls the body," and if they can execute the routine at the level they want mentally, their bodies will definitely follow.

Our performance left all of us on such a high that lasted the rest of the night. None of us left that dance floor with any regret. Even if there were minor slip ups during that performance, we did exactly what we set out to do when we got on that stage: give that performance every fiber of our being.

And in doing so allowed us to feel and become what our routine's them and concept was, Heroes. "This routine was so epic, I seriously felt like a hero at the end"
"At the end I was like,'Yeah, I'm a hero, and what?!'"
It's a great feeling hearing that from your dancers.

The overall event was pretty dope. It was great seeing all our friends and all the other talented dancers there! It sure as hell was an honor to be sharing that day with everyone in Fam Biz.

Thank you for our friends and family for supporting our passion and being patient with us on those late night rehearsals!

Thank you Jayvee for being an amazing home for us to stay in!
Thank you Teen Groov for your support and being great younger brothers and sisters!
Thank you Orbit Light Show for providing us the lights and being patient for busting up all the lights you've given us!
Thank you to everyone for your support! We love you and appreciate you guys!


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